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International Women’s Day Q&A

6 March 2025

We ask Amy Summerton, Director at Walton Homes about her experiences and tips on being a woman in the housebuilding industry

International Women’s Day Q&A

How has working in housebuilding changed in recent years?

Housebuilding, as with the wider construction industry, has definitely changed - for the better – for women working within it. I think even as little as 10 to 15 years ago, there were some negative stereotypes about the industry and how welcoming it was to the women pursuing a career in it, which, unfortunately, were grounded in truth.

We have come a long way since then and we have seen an influx of talented young people, many of them women, enter the industry and drive positive change. It’s great to see so many young women of school leaving age now actively seeking a career in construction – and particularly in housebuilding – viewing it as a viable and rewarding path.

What one piece of advice would you give to a woman looking to pursue a career in housebuilding?

It’s true of any sector, but in an industry as traditionally male-dominated as housebuilding, I would urge women pursuing a career in it to know their value and to never be afraid to speak up – the most successful businesses are those that truly listen to their workforce.

I would also say finding a female mentor who has established a career in construction can be so helpful. I am lucky enough to work alongside my mum (fellow Director Sarah Summerton) and being able to benefit from her experience has been absolutely invaluable.

What are some of the most rewarding things about working in housebuilding?

Everyone needs somewhere to live, and housebuilders help fulfil that fundamental need.

A large proportion of our customers are first time buyers, so helping people get on the property ladder for the first time – perhaps their first home as a family – is fantastic to see!

And it’s also very interesting to see how tastes and trends shift over time. Some interior trends go full circle, and some (rightly!) stay in the past.

What are some things housebuilders can do to ensure women can pursue a rewarding career with them?

I think ensuring the opportunities are there is the most important thing a housebuilder can do. Making sure there are viable career pathways, which provide ample and upskilling opportunities, ensures businesses are getting the best out of all the new talent they attract.

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