Your January Home Checklist

23rd January 2023

The start of the new year provides the perfect opportunity to take stock of our homes, get organised and have a clear out. Not only that, there are a few things you can do now to get prepared for the coming year ahead.

Take this opportunity to clear the clutter around your home, throughout the year we can hoard unnecessary items throughout the house, so take a look around and get rid of those items that you simply don’t need.

The colder months are still upon us, so if you are taking advantage of running an open fire or log burner make sure to check that you are doing so safely with working smoke and carbon detectors throughout your home.

Let’s take a look outside, now is the ideal time to plant shrubs and trees to bed in before the growth of spring. So start your garden transformation today and reap the rewards come the summer months.

Check your gutters for a build-up of leaves, this ensures that they are flowing freely and drainage is working to its optimum levels as the rainy season is unfortunately still upon us.

But most importantly enjoy your home, keep it in a good condition and you will continue to reap the rewards.