Revitalise Your Home During the Lull Between Christmas and New Year

21st December 2023

The days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve can be the ideal time to make changes in your living space. It’s the perfect opportunity to start anew and refresh your surroundings. After you’ve taken down the decorations and the holiday excitement has subsided, try out our practical tips and tricks to give your home a breath of fresh air.

Have A Good Old Fashioned De-Clutter!

Let’s get real and unleash our inner Marie Kondo! It’s high time to bid adieu to those towering novelty mugs, unused pots and pans, and mismatched glasses that have been hogging space in our cupboards. And don’t get us started on those Christmas leftovers that we’ll never finish! Chuck it all out, but don’t forget to be mindful of the environment. Can those items be recycled, upcycled, or composted? By thinking sustainably, not only will you achieve your decluttering goals, but you will also start the new year with a cleaner conscience and a smaller eco-footprint.

New Year, New Home Habits.

We’ve all been told it takes a mere 21 days to form a habit, but is that really the case? According to Phillippa Lally, a health psychology researcher at University College London, it takes more than two months for a new habit to become automatic. Lally’s 12-week study on habit formation revealed that it takes an average of over two months for a new habit to stick. So, don’t be too hard on yourself when trying to establish new habits like meal prepping, house cleaning or regular decluttering schedules – It takes time and effort for something to become a regular part of your life, but with determination n and patience, you can make it happen!

Delve Into Dopamine Décor!

Did you know that the colour of your walls can significantly impact your mood? Take advantage of this downtime and redecorate your home with colours that bring you joy! The latest trend, called Dopamine Décor, encourages people to fill their living spaces with objects that spark pure happiness. Whether that’s a bright yellow hallway, an all-coastal blue living area, or a moody Victorian-inspired downstairs bathroom, choose whatever gives you pure joy, reflect your authentic self into your home and ultimately boost your mood – hence dopamine décor!

Keep It Simple By Rearranging!

After a hectic season, you may not be up for any major décor changes but still want a fresh look. Why not try rearranging your furniture? When a room has remained the same for a long time, it can start to feel dull and uninspiring. Switch things up by moving your bed to the opposite side of the room or arranging chairs to face each other, making conversation the central focus instead of the TV. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something different. You’ll find yourself appreciating a new way of living in your space.

Transform Your Home By Upcycling.

Are you tired of your dining room table or the vintage wood style that no longer suits your taste? You don’t need to replace it with something new! Upcycling your existing furniture can give it a fresh, modern look. Instagram and Pinterest are fantastic sources of inspiration and creative ideas. Not only is this an affordable option, but it’s also environmentally friendly as it reduces the need for brand-new furniture production. So why not breathe new life into your home and furniture as well as giving yourself a fantastic project to see you into the new year.

Now is the perfect time to make some changes before 2024 kicks off. Start your new year with a fresh, new feel to your home and don’t forget if you are inspired by any of our handy tips and tricks, let us know – we’d love to share what you are up to this festive season.

Wishing all of our customers and readers a very wonderful and prosperous New Year from our family to yours! 

Source of information: and