Broomfield criteria at Alverton View

2nd May 2024

These properties are offered at 70% of the market value with 30% discounted market value. The plots that are available are listed below:

– Plot 4 – £192,497

– Plot 5 – £193,200

– Plot 9 – RESERVED

– Plot 10 – RESERVED


Financial Criteria

  • Your maximum household income must not exceed £80,000
  • Unable to purchase a home suitable for your needs without assistance
  • Savings must not exceed 30% of the discounted property price

Location Criteria

  • You must have a local connection to the Cheadle Area. This local connection can include residency in the area, having relatives in the area or employment in the area. 


Cheadle Area:
This includes Cheadle, Boundary, Dilhorne, Kingsley Holt, Blythe Bridge, Forsbrook, Draycott, Alton, Lower Tean, Hollington, Cotton, Checkley, Swinscoe, Cookshill, Caverswall, Foxt, Kingsley Moor, Kingsley, Froghall, Whiston, Oakamoor and Hulme. 

Call us on 07714 108153 to find out more.